Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award is an opportunity to recognize individuals who have made significant contributions to the sport of volleyball in the state of Minnesota. Recipients can be coaches, players, officials, or general advocates for the sport of volleyball.
Nomination Process
Recipients will receive a plaque and will be honored at either the Summer Clinic or the State Tournament Banquet (whichever one they can attend).
Nomination Process
- Nominations will be taken from November 1st to September 30th.
- Nominations will be submitted via an online application from on the MNVBCA website.
- Nomination results will be sent to the BOC by October 15th for review before the Fall Meeting.
- Nominations will be discussed at the Fall BOC Meeting.
- Vote will take place via online ballot.
- Votes need to be submitted by October 30th.
Recipients will receive a plaque and will be honored at either the Summer Clinic or the State Tournament Banquet (whichever one they can attend).